Senarai Produk


Produk-produk keluaran Olive House mendapat pengiktirafan dari badan-badan antarabangsa


Senarai Produk Keluaran Olive House

1. Olivie plus 30x

  • Imported from E-Borouj, Morocco
  • Certified Organic by USDA, CERES, IFS Food Certificate-Higher Level Food Standard, Certificate of Confirmity-Global Standard for Food Safety, ISO 22000:2005
  • Produced using 'Mechanically Cold-Pressed' technique
  • 100% Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive House
  • Our olive trees are cultivated in an arid solid conditions, harsh climate with minimal irrigation system and without fertilizers or pesticides applied which trigger survival mechanism that produces highest grade of olive oil you can buy.
  • Continuous researches has shown that Olivie Plus 30X contains 30 times more antioxidant Hydroxytyrosol and Oleocanthal naturally more than conventional Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Olivie Plus 30x can be puchase in 250ml and 30 ml bottle

Suggested Servings
Take 1-2 tablespoons to be taken before meal in the morning and at night. Cannot stand with the taste of olive oil? We suggest you to take with half tablespoon of Olive House Kyrgyzstan Mountain Pure Honey to balance the taste.

Storage Instructions
Olive oil has two enemies: light and heat. When exposed to those elements, the oil will turn rancid more quickly. The best way to prevent this is to store in a cool, dry place and away from the direct sunlight. Once opened, please close the bottle cap tig

2. Olivie Power Up

  • Imported from El-Borouj, Morocco
  • 100% Organic and certified by USDA Organic and Organic Agriculture MA BIO 132001638
  • Olivie PowerUp is an olive tree extract mixed with an olive oil produced in a pearls form obtained by cold pressing fresh olives from tree grown in the arid soil and harsh climate of the Southern Sahara of Morocco. These olive groves are cultivated with a minimum of irrigation and no fertilizers or pesticides. Growing in an arid, harsh climate, these tree have triggered a survival mechanism that produces distinctive olives. As a result, the laboratory analysis shows the oil obtained from Olivie olives contains 30 times more antioxydants than regular extra virgin olive oil

Suggested Servings
  • Take 1 tablespoons a day and also best served as season of salads or used on fish or toast
  • Cannot stand with the taste of olive oil?
  • We suggest you to take with half tablespoon of Olive House Kyrgyzstan Mountain Pure Honey to balance the taste.

    Storage Instructions
    • Olive oil has two enemies: light, and heat.
    • When exposed to those elements, the oil will turn rancid more quickly.
    • The best way to prevent this is to store in a cool, dry place and away from the direct sunlight.
    • Once opened, please close the bottle cap tightly.

3. Pati minyak Zaitun

  • Imported form Izmir, Turkey
  • Certified organic by CERES, Certificate of Conformity-Global Standard for Food Safety, IFS Food Cerificate, Higher Level Food Standard, Gluten-Free
  • Produced using 'Mechanically Cold-Pressed Technique.
  • 100% Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • The olive oil has a golden-green color and fruity aroma, with a buttery texture and spicey pepper finish representing the taste of the Mediterranean.

Suggested Servings
Take 1-2 tablespoons before meal in the morning and at night. You can also mix with salad as a dressing. Cannot stand with the taste of olive oil? We suggest you to take with half tablespoon of Olive House Kyrgyzstan Mountain Pure Honey to balanc

Storage Instructions
Olive oil has two enemies: light, and heat. When exposed to those elements, the oil will turn rancid more quickly. The best way to prevent this is to store in a cool, dry place and away from the direct sunlight. Once opened, please close the bottle cap ti

4. Jus & Pati Delima

  • Imported from Agsu, Azerbaijan
  • Certified Organic by USDA for USA, Bio Certificate for the EU, Kosher Certification, ISO 22000: 2005 and ISO 9001:2008
  • Among the 'Healthiest Fruits on the Planet', a little sweet, a little tart, and a whole lot of healthy.
  • 100% pure natural pomegranate juice and dibs
  • Produced using latest extraction technique, ultrafiltration and pasteurization to maintain its concentration and benefits
  • Without sugar, preservatives and artificial flavoring.
  • Olive House Pomegranate Juice can be puchase in 200ml and 1 liter bottle and Dibs Pomegranate in 350ml bottle.

Suggested Servings
Take 2 tablespoons in the morning after meal and 2 tablespoons before bed at night. Pomegranate Juice and Dibs can be consume directly or add water either plain water or cordial juice. You love sweet drinks? Replace sugar and add one tabl

Storage Instructions
Store in cool and dry place

5. Sari Cuka Teen

  • Imported from Izmir, Turkey
  • Certified form IFS Food Certificate, Certificate of Confirmity, ISO 22000:2005, ISO 10002:2004 and ISO 9001:2008
  • Figs were grown organically and processed using traditionaL; method in Oak Casks for maintaining the quality of fermentation
  • Contains 'Mother' which is high in minerals content such as Iron.
  • Rich with Acetic Acid that helps to control appetite, assists in absorption of important minerals and helps to reduce blood triglyceride levels
Olive House Fig Vinegar can be puchase in 250ml and 500ml bottle

Suggested Servings
Mix 2-3 tablespoon Olive House Fig Vinegar with a minimum of 8 ounces (225 grams, or one cup) of water. You can add more water if the taste is still too strong for you. You can also add Kyrgyzstan Mountain Pure Honey, which really helps improve th

Storage Instructions
Your Fig Vinegar should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.

6. Madu Asli Pergunungan Kyrgyzstan

  • 100% Pure Honey
  • Produced by wild bees that collect nectar from thousands of flowers (Multiflora) in Kyrgyzstan mountain
  • International Recognition, 'World Beekeeping Awards' for high quality proucts which is eco-friendly, unpolluted landscape and fertile environment.
  • Contains low sucrose and high combination of fructose and glucose.
  • Contains Vitamin C and B Complex and mineral such as Magnesium, Sodium and Calcium and high in antioxidants.
  • Winner of the International Beekeeping Congress Apimondia, Daejeon, South Korea 2015 and Golden Crown for Quality, London
  • Available in single pack and also 3-pack.

Suggested Servings
Best served as natural sweeteners. Replace the usage of sugar with the natural sweet from pure honey originated from unpolluted Kyrgyzstan Highlands. Use a tablespoon of Kyrgyzstan Mountain Pure Honey mixed with your food or drinks

Storage Instructions
Honey can be stored pretty much anywhere, at any temperature. It's one of the few products in the world that never goes bad, due to its unique chemical composition. Honey has a very low water content (normally less than 18%), and a fairly high acidic leve

7. Serbuk Kayu Manis Ceylon (Ceylon Cinnamom)

  • Imported from Sri Lanka, India
  • Certification of Halal Endorsement Product, SGS System Certification, ISO 22000, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, License under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and SGS Coumarin Content.
  • 100% Original Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
  • Known as 'The Real Cinnamon' for the high Cinnamaldehyde content which is more than 70%
  • Different from Cassia Cinnamon which is often used daily in Malaysian Cooking
  • Contains Essential Cinnamon Oil properties which is very important for health
  • Contains low level of Coumarin which can cause liver failure and other health damages if taken daily or in high doses
  • Rich in Manganese, Fiber, Iron and Calcium.
  • Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Bacterial Characteristics

Suggested Servings
Dissolve one tablespoon (1/2 sachet) in a glass of warm water and drink 30 minutes before meal once a day. You can sprinkle Ceylon Cinnamon into your tea, to cook into your food or sprinkle on toast, cereal or desserts. Consume 30 minutes before hea

Storage Instructions
Store Ceylon Cinnamon in a dry place

8. Teh Herba Camburan Daun Zaitun & Hawthorn

  • Imported from Aksuvital, Istanbul Turkey
  • Complete ingredients consist of Olive Leaf, Hawthorn flower, Sorb Apple Leaf, Ceylon Cinnamon Bark, Marigold and Lavender Flower and Juniper Fruit.
  • Contains Oleuropein, Juniper Berry, Hydroxytyrosol, Cinnamaldehyde and Lavender.
  • 'A cup of mixed herbal tea loaded with a wide array of powerful antioxidants'

Suggested Servings
Put in hot water and ready to drink

Storage Instructions
Room Temperature

9. Kurma Ajwah

Kurma Ajwah (200gm)

Storage Instructions
Store in a dry place

10. Kismis Dengan Biji

Kismis Dengan Biji 100g

11. Choco 

Minuman Koko Pra-Campuran Olive House (CHOCO). Produk ini mengandungi 70% lebih koko dan saffron. Satu pek mengandungi 15 uncang.

Suggested Servings
Larutkan 1 uncang Choco ke dalam 150ml air panas. Kacau dan sedia untuk dihidangkan.

Storage Instructions
Simpan di suhu bilik dibawah suhu 35°C

12. Ubat Gigi Bunga Cengkih 

  • Made in Malaysia
  • Certification from GMP Certified and Malaysia Best
  • Clove is proven to be affective in combating bacterial decomposition of food particles and it helps fight germs and prevents tooth decay and cavities and its analgesic action help relieve toothaches.

Suggested Servings
Apply on toothbrush

Storage Instructions
Store in room temperature

13. Ubat Gigi Garam Bukit

  • Made in Malaysia
  • Certification from GMP Certified and Malaysia Best
  • Rock Salt is proven beneficial in fighting germs, improves gum health, protects enamel, effective cleaning teeth, prevent formation of plaque and gives long lasting fresh breath

Suggested Servings

Apply on toothbrush
Storage Instructions
Store in room temperature

14. Air Mineral

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